Death Note (L) Windows Xp / 2003 Theme


Tema Death Note (L) para windows Xp / 2003


Descarga: [Tema XP] Death Note L [Mega]
Fecha subida: 16/05/2009
Clics: 11895
Promedio descargas diarias: 2.18


Uxtheme Patch, instrucciones, tips, problemas

Uxtheme Patch, instructions, tips, problems

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Recuerden, estos temas se instalan en el menú inicio.

Remember, those themes will install in Start Menu.

  1. leandro lee diaz areiza says:

    muy buena pajina se meresen 4.5 a la escala de 5 por que les falta un toque que solo lo conocen ustedes.

  2. yo no se xD cual es ese 0.5 de punto?? xD

  3. nao apareceu os desenhos do L nas paginas, nem o ícone do L no botao INICIAR XD
    mas o resto ta bom! XD

  4. me envie uma screenshot.

  5. Apareceu só os icones no «meu computador» e «meus documentos» e o fundo da area de trabalho, o resto não…=/

  6. Você patch do Windows?

  7. maaf mw tanya saya kan mw coba install tapi kok tidk bisa digunakan yh themenya katanya posisinya tidak tepat dan saya mencoba download ux theme dan keluar untuk memasukkan cd asli windows xp itu harus memasukkan cdnya atau tdk usah? dan pas saya mencoba masukkan cdnya keluar tulisan itu bukan cdnya….

    mohon diajarin lagi dengan jelas yh…


  8. please, in english! :'(

  9. sorry i think you understand Bahasa….

    I mean I can’t install the ux theme they say i have to put the right cd when i choose cancel and restart and open the theme i can’t use it the theme did not work to me…

    and only the wallpaper that i can use..

    so do you know how can the theme work to my coumputer?

    sorry my english is bad

    NB: do you have Inuyasha and 07-ghost theme?

  10. mmm, strange, did you follow the main manual?

  11. i follow it….

    but when i try again to install and i download the theme i just can run the game that have exe format but i can’t run the theme with winrar format….

    i don’t know why…..

    do you have 07-gost theme and Inuyasha and another bleach theme with exe???….



  12. rsr files? just uncompress into c:\windows\resources\themes.

    and, I don’t have those themes.

  13. it didn’t work…
    when i want to apply it there is some text out..

    «the theme could not load because one of the needed theme files could not be found. this can happen with themes that are not installed or authored correctly…»

    like that

  14. this happens only with rar files?

  15. orochimaru says:


  16. :O!!! amé el temaaa!! *o*!! en vdd esta muii wenooo ^^! no haii alguno con light?? >-<! xd! o ryuk? xD! jakjakjakjak graciias!! :D! chau!

  17. @wulan:
    maybe first you can patcher uxtheme.dll. you can download that software in here
    or must deleted uxtheme.dll in c:/windows/system32/uxtheme.dll
    before you deleted those file, for better you must backup uxtheme.dll
    and after that, you can copy and paste another uxtheme.dll in c:/windows/system32/.
    you can download another uxtheme.dll in here
    i hope it will be used ^o^
    sorry my english bad
    because I come from Indonesia too

  18. Angel0fDarkness says:

    anybody know why when i go to the link it’s says : The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable…??

  19. Lawlietsita_kawaii says:

    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…!!   T-T esta hermosoooooooo..!!  mi L kawaii..!  >o<.. hohohoo.. ehhh.. no hay una version de este tema para windows 7..?  ^^U hehehe..

  20. tengo una duda mi compu es windows 7 professional y e buscado por todas partes temas de L y no encuentro …
    tienen alguna pagina para descargar temas para mi windows 7 professional por favor q alguien me diga !! estoy desesperada ..ok no .__. XD

  21. busca en el foro

  22. Hermosa chica anime manga says:

    no lo puedo descargar ¬¬
    algo esta mal con mediafire ¬¬
    por favor lo podrian areglar????
    y muchas gracias de ante mano ^^

  23. volvelo a subir plz!!

  24. mmm, no se si será, pero subí uno.

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